Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 2.4 - Machine space 1001.2(b)(4) fire caulk around the pipes, and cables entering the machine room. 4/26/2019
A17.1-1996 : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate Obtain and display a current state operating certificate in the machine room. 1/9/2020
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 5.1 - Pit access, lighting, stop switch, and condition 106.1e Illumination of Pits Repair or replace the pit light as it does not work 2/1/2021
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 2.1 - Access to machine space 101.3d Repair the machine room door latch as it is to be self closing self latching. Always locked outside never locked inside. 1/9/2020
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 2.1 - Access to machine space 1001.2(b)(1) Replace the door lock on machine room door as it is to be self closing self latching always locked outside never locked inside. 4/26/2019
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 5.1 - Pit access, lighting, stop switch, and condition 106.1e Illumination of Pits Replace the leaking victolic fittings. 4/26/2019
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 2.5 - Housekeeping 1001.2(b)(5) You cannot use the machine room to store anything that does not relate to the operation of the elevator. 4/26/2019