Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
Missouri Minimum : Platform Lifts (U) - Existing Vertical and Inclined Platform Lifts (U)1 (Re-Inspect) x Emergency phone not working 1/24/2023
Missouri Minimum : Platform Lifts (U) - Existing Vertical and Inclined Platform Lifts (U)1 (Re-Inspect) x Fan in outside Plexiglas runway not working 1/24/2023
Missouri Minimum : Platform Lifts (U) - Existing Vertical and Inclined Platform Lifts (U)1 (Re-Inspect) x Hoistway light and fan not working 1/24/2024
Missouri Minimum : Platform Lifts (U) - Existing Vertical and Inclined Platform Lifts (U)1 (Re-Inspect) x Hoistway light not working 1/24/2023
Missouri Minimum : Platform Lifts (U) - Existing Vertical and Inclined Platform Lifts (U)1 In case of fire don't use elevator signage needed
Missouri Minimum : Platform Lifts (U) - Existing Vertical and Inclined Platform Lifts (U)1 (Re-Inspect) x Outside Plexiglas runway has loose brackets 1/24/2023
Missouri Minimum : Platform Lifts (U) - Existing Vertical and Inclined Platform Lifts (U)1 (Re-Inspect) x Ref Rule 211.1(a)(2) Emergency telephone on unit non operational. Must Re-inspect.