Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
A17.1-1996 : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate A copy of the current state operating certificate shall be on display in the machine room 10/16/2023
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 3.28 - Counterweight and counterweight buffer 1001.2(c)(13) x Need to test counterweight buffers. 8/11/2022
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 5.9 - Buffers and emergency terminal speed limiting devices 1308.2 x Need to test car buffer. 8/11/2022
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 6.4 - Firefighters' service (A17.1b-1989 and later editions) 211.2-211.8 x x Fireman's call cancel shall work. Reinspect within 14 days. 8/11/2022
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 6.4 - Firefighters' service (A17.1b-1989 and later editions) 1002.2f x Firefighters service is not working properly, call cancel is not working. repair in 14 days. Re-inspection required 8/11/2022