MO Minimum : Elevators
(I) - Pits
water in the pit, provide means to prevent the accumulation of groundwater in the pit
MO Minimum : Elevators
(S) - Fire Service
| Monthly Test and Log
monthly fire service test log has not been filled out since August of 2022, perform and log monthly fire service keyswitch test on the log in the machine room
MO Minimum : Elevators
(S) - Fire Service
| Monthly Test and Log
the monthly fire service test log has not been filled out since April 2021, perform the monthly fire service test and fill out the log
MO Minimum : Elevators
CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate
5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate
the state operating certificate in the machine room expired in 2015, a new copy of the state operating certificate is to be put in the machine room annually when received from the state