Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
MO Minimum : Elevators (H) - Machine Rooms (H)4 materials non elev related stored in machroom 11/1/2023
MO Minimum : Elevators (H) - Machine Rooms (H)2 machroom doorlock is defeatable need to make undefeatable 11/1/2023
MO Minimum : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate no current cirt. displayed 11/1/2023
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements Maintenance records no MCP on site 11/1/2023
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements (G)1- Car Emergency Systems (Emergency Light) (Re-Inspection) x Emergency lights not working. 10/19/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements (G)1- Car Emergency Systems (Emergency Light) (Re-Inspection) x Emergency alarm not working. 10/19/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements (G)1- Car Emergency Systems (Emergency Light) (Re-Inspection) x Emergency phone working, but not identifying location of the elevator. 10/19/2021