Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 1.5 - Car lighting and receptacles 204.7 Upper demarcation lights not working
A17.1-1996 : Elevators 5.7 - Car frame and platform 203.6 Electric greenfield in bottom of controller torn open needs repair
A17.1-1996 : Escalators 7.5 - Lighting 805.7 Upper demarcation lights not working
A17.1-1996 : Escalators 7.5 - Lighting 806.2 Reinspection of demarcation lightening-failed and torn elect conduit on pit failed. No violations have been corrected. Reinspection needed
Missouri Minimum : Escalators (T) - Existing Dumbwaiters, Escalators and Moving Walks Maintenance Records Need maintenance control program on site.
A17.1-1996 : Escalators 8.1 - Machinery space access, lighting, receptacle, and condition 806 Repair greenfield piping feeding the controller
Missouri Minimum : Escalators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) display of certificate Post current state certificate in machine room
Missouri Minimum : Escalators (T) - Existing Dumbwaiters, Escalators and Moving Walks Escalator Combplates x Complete annual test top comb impact test, skirt switches etc.