Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 3.4 - Top-of-car Clearance, Refuge Space, & Standard Railing Railing and Equipment on Top of Cars x The cartop handrails are loose and shall be tightened.
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 1.17 - Standby power operation 2.27.2 x Emergency power needs to be tested.
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 1.17 - Standby power operation (Elevator Emergency Power Illuminated Signal) The emergency power indicating jewel failed to operate when activated, repair light jewel to activate as required.
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 1.6 - Car emergency signal (Insp code) Phone or alarm not functioning (Mandatory Re-Inspection due in 14 days) x Alarm bell does not work. 12/17/2021
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 1.6 - Car emergency signal (Insp code) Phone or alarm not functioning (Mandatory Re-Inspection due in 14 days) x Alarm bell in elevator does not work, Re-inspect in 30 days 5/26/2022
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 2.41 - Maintenance Records Provide written maintenance control program on site for each elevator.
A17.1-2016 : Elevators 3.23 - Suspension Means (Re-Inspection) x The elevator hoisting ropes are showing a high degree of wear and shall be replaced. Replace ropes within 30 days of inspection. Reinspection is required. 11/5/2024
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 1.6 - Car emergency signal Phone or alarm not functioning (Mandatory Re-Inspection due in 14 days) x Emergency phone does not give location and the recording says that it is not an emergency and is a test call.