Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
conversion conversion n/a Clean oil from elevator pit. 7/31/2018
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 2.41 - Maintenance Records Written maintenance control program shall be on site for each elevator.
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 1.3 - Operating control devices The 2nd floor call station inside the car is damaged, the device shall be repaired or replaced to operate as designed for passengers.
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 1.6 - Car emergency signal (Insp code) Phone or alarm not functioning (Mandatory Re-Inspection due in 14 days) x Emergency phone does not work. 10/30/2020