Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate State operating certificate not displayed in control space
A17.1-2016 : Elevators 2.40 - Maintenance Records Written documentation of procedures to perform tests and periodic inspections need to be kept on site.
A17.1-2016 : Elevators 2.40 - Maintenance Records MRL not up to date
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate state operating certificate not displayed
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements Periodic Test Record (Test Tags) Install 5 year test tag
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 1.6 - Car emergency signal (Insp code) Phone or alarm not functioning (Mandatory Re-Inspection due in 14 days) x Phone does not operate. 11/9/2018
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 5.2 - Bottom clearance, runby, and minimum refuge space x Need to shorten hoist ropes. Countweight buffer is fully compressed before top final limit actuates. 4/30/2020
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate No current state operating certificate on site. 11/15/2021
A17.1-2016 : Elevators 2.40 - Maintenance Records Provide written documentation of how to perform tests, and periodic inspections for installed equipment. Documentation to be kept inside the elevator control space. 11/15/2021
A17.1-2016 : Elevators 2.43 - Emergency Brake, Ascending Car Overspeed, and Unintended Car Movement Protection Ascending Overspeed Protection, Unintended Movement Devices, and Emg Brake x Test ascending car protection. 11/29/2023