Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
conversion conversion conversion - reinspect x Phase 1 and Pase 2 fire service did ot operate correctly 8/20/2018
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 1.6 - Car emergency signal (Insp code) Phone or alarm not functioning (Mandatory Re-Inspection due in 14 days) x Emergency phone does not work. 12/11/2019
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 4.2 - Hoistway doors x The hoistway door tension on the lower landing shall be repaired to self-close. 8/4/2022
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 5.1 - Pit access, lighting, stop switch, and condition 2.2.2 Design and Construction of Pits The elevator pit light did not work on the day of inspection, repair for proper illumination of the pit floor. 8/26/2022
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 5.1 - Pit access, lighting, stop switch, and condition 2.2.2 Design and Construction of Pits The elevator pit light did not work on the day of inspection, repair for proper illumination of the pit floor. 8/26/2022
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 5.1 - Pit access, lighting, stop switch, and condition 2.2.2 Design and Construction of Pits The elevator pit shall be cleaned of dust and debris. 8/26/2022
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 2.3 - Lighting and receptacles The machine space lighting was not operational on the day of inspection. Repair lighting for proper illumination for maintenance and emergency personnel. 8/26/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (A) - Hoistways (A)16 Flexible conduit in hoistway needs to be fastened to hoistway ceiling 5/14/2024
MO Minimum : Elevators (I) - Pits (I)1 Need to clean pit 5/14/2024
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 2.3 - Lighting and receptacles Lighting in hoistway overhead machine space shall work 5/14/2024
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 3.20 - Governor rope 2.18.5 x It appears the governor rope needs to be shortened as the governor tail sheave is at or nearing its full travel. 8/12/2024
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 5.2 - Bottom clearance, runby, and minimum refuge space 2.4.2 x Provide code compliant runby. 8/12/2024