Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
conversion conversion n/a Deficiencies remain from previous inspections.
conversion conversion n/a Correct/Address all deficiencies by 10-16-2017, or the elevator maybe tagged-off.
conversion conversion n/a Provide properly working lower Drum Machine Final Terminal Stopping Device (FTSD) on the drive machine in the elevator machine room
conversion conversion n/a Provide a permanet means of access to the elevator machine room
conversion conversion n/a Provide additional lighting for the upper access ladder area to the elevator machine room
conversion conversion n/a Replace the broken car sping buffer(s)
conversion conversion n/a Provide missing anti-rotation devicefor the car suspension ropes
conversion conversion n/a Provide properly working lower hoistway Final Terminal Stopping Device (FTSD) in the hoistway