Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
MO Minimum : Elevators (H) - Machine Rooms (H)7 Repair 110v circuit to controller. 5/3/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (H) - Machine Rooms (H)5 (Machine Room Lighting) Repair or re-lamp machine room bulbs as needed. 5/3/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements (G)1 Maintenance, Repair and Replacements Post a code data plate on the controller. 5/3/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements (G)1 Maintenance, Repair and Replacements Provide a fire extinguisher is the machine room that is not expired. 5/3/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (A) - Hoistways (A)1 Replace the missing sight guard on hoistway door, bottom floor. 5/3/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (O) - Existing Hydraulic Elevators (O)1 Provide scavenger line and scavenger bucket in the pit. 5/3/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (I) - Pits (I)6 (Pit Lighting) Existing pit light shall work. 5/3/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (H) - Machine Rooms (H)7 Properly install 110v circuit to controller. 5/3/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (H) - Machine Rooms (H)5 (Machine Room Lighting) Provide code compliant lighting in the machine room. 5/3/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements Fire Extinguishers Provide a current tested fire extinguisher in the machine room. 5/3/2021
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements (G)1 - - Door systems x Front and rear door closing force shall not exceed 30 lbs. 11/16/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (B) - Car Enclosure: Passenger (B)8 Car Lighting The cab lighting shall be guarded. 12/19/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate Display a current MO State operating certificate in the machine room. 12/19/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (B) - Car Enclosure: Passenger (B)8 Car Lighting The cab lights shall be guarded to prevent breakage. 12/19/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (I) - Pits (I)6 (Pit Lighting) The pit lighting shall be operational. 12/27/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements General Maintenance Requirements Documentation Replace the missing sight guard at the bottom floor. 12/27/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements General Maintenance Methods - Verify that hydraulic jack is not single bottom type and keep documentation on site. If jack is single bottom type, make necessary repairs. 12/27/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements Maintenance records Provide a code compliant MCP including onsite documents. 12/27/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate A current MO state operating certificate shall be displayed in the elevator machine room. 12/27/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements General Maintenance Methods Replace the missing sight guard at the bottom landing. 12/27/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements General Maintenance Methods The cab fan guard shall be reattached. 12/27/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (A) - Hoistways (A)17 Pipes conveying liquids are not allowed in the hoistway. 12/27/2022