Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
MO Minimum : Elevators (A) - Hoistways (A)9 Provide Fire Service key onsite for monthly testing. Key # A03 10/4/2022
MO Minimum : Elevators (H) - Machine Rooms (H)2 Machine room door must be self-locking and self-closing 5/20/2023
MO Minimum : Elevators (I) - Pits (I)1 Pit covered in old oil and dirt 5/20/2023
MO Minimum : Elevators (I) - Pits (I)1 Water in pit, sump pump not working. 7/9/2020
MO Minimum : Elevators (G) - Maintenance, Repair and Replacements Maintenance records Provide MCP in machine room. 10/4/2022