Code Item Section Reinspection Red Tag Reason For Violation Fixed Date
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate Post current copy of the State Operating Certificate in the machine room
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 6.4 - Firefighters' service (A17.1b-1989 and later editions) Firefighters Emergency Operation: Monthly Testing Post monthly fire service test log in the machine room
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 2.41 - Maintenance Records Post instructions for viewing on-site the records for the Maintenance Control Program (MCP)
A17.1-2016 : Elevators 2.40 - Maintenance Records A record of findings for firefighters’ service operation required by with identification of the person(s) that performed the operation shall be kept in the machine room.
A17.1-2016 : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate The building shall post the operating certificate in the elevator equipment room, and it needs to be updated with a new copy every year.
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators CSR 40-5.100 State Operating Certificate 5.100(2) Display of Operating Certificate the state operating certificate in the machine room is from 2014, it is to be updated every year with a new copy
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 6.4 - Firefighters' service (A17.1b-1989 and later editions) Firefighters Emergency Operation: Monthly Testing monthly fire service test log is to be kept in the machine room
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 1.6 - Car emergency signal Phone or alarm not functioning (Mandatory Re-Inspection due in 14 days) x reprogram the emergency phone, call could not be completed as dialed 4/24/2023
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 2.13 - Governor,overspeed switch and seal 2.17.15 x TEST OF GOVENOR ROPE PULL THRU NOT DONE AT THIS TIIME REQUIRED EQUIPMENT NOT ON SITE 3/11/2024
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 2.29 - Car and counterweight safeties 2.17 x x Car safeties not tested with 100% capacity 7/6/2020
ASME A17.1 2004 with 2005 Addendum and 2005 : Elevators 2.17 - Drive machine brake 2.16.8 x 125% load test was not performed 7/6/2020